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Stormgate Nexus

November Mega Update

by Philip 'BeoMulf' Mulford

November Mega Update

As if yesterdays massive dump of infernal information wasn't enough, Frost Giant also saw fit to drop their biggest newsletter in a while as they prep for a memorable December.


If you're here just for the headlines, here you go:

  • Closed Beta 1 starts December 5
  • The Beta Access/Collectors Edition Kickstarter also opens December 5
  • New Stormgate Trailer + 3vAI Coop Footage at the Game Awards December 7
  • Snowplay interview with Engineering Director Andrew Sabri on December 10
  • Stormgate to show first public showmatches at Dreamhack Atlanta on December 17

IGN Article

If you missed out on the IGN article and video, you really should take a look - it's a massive deep dive into 4 new infernal units, a couple new mechanics, and tons of juicy details about Stormgate's second faction. Importantly, if you want to see more outlets like IGN cover the game more often, make sure to read the article, watch the video, and interact with the tweet - metrics like that encourage big companies to pay more attention!

IGN Article Header

Closed Beta 1

It's been teased for a while, but after 2 Alpha tests and one pre-alpha test, Stormgate is now officially moving into early beta. This means the addition of 3vAI coop, some amount of higher-tier tech for the Infernals (as well as more fully-rigged models), a new ladder map, and a competitive ranking system. They also mention some overhaul of the sentry turret - instead it will be something similar to the Terran bunker. Units will be able to man it with 5 different effects depending on which unit is bunkered inside. It appears that most of the email invites have already gone out, but you will be able to buy your way into what we assume is Beta 2 with a qualifying Kickstarter tier.

Stormgate Infernal High Tech Flayed Dragon


Not only does Beta 1 mark higher tech  for the Infernals, it also will mark our first look at the 3vAI co-op mode that the Frost Giant devs have marked as one of the four pillars of their game. This test will have one co-op map and one hero, but it lays the baseline for a more expansive mode.

Stormgate Vanguard Co-Op Hero Blockade

Speaking of one hero, we've got a first look at the first hero players will have access to in the Co-Op mode - a hammer-wielding Vanguard code-named "Blockade." Blockade appears to be a jack-of-all-trades hero, with the ability to heal allies, teleport to other positions on the map, and spin his hammer around in an AoE attack.

We also know that the first Co-Op map will be called "Wreck Havoc," where players will have to stop convoys carrying ammunition for a massive ion cannon.


We covered the announcement previously, but Frost Giant now has a date for their Kickstarter - and its the same day the Beta starts! The Kickstarter will provide fans the opportunity to buy into the Beta (assumedly a phase in Q1 2024), campaign content, playable heroes, and a Frost Giant yeti in-game pet, as well as a collectors edition with a physical statue. Speaking of that statue, we now know what it's going to look like all painted up, and it's a beauty!

Stormgate Vanguard Kickstarter Collectors Edition Vulcan Statue

The Game Awards

Last year, Frost Giant debuted their first trailer for Stormgate to a mixed response. They've learned from that experience, and they plan to debut their new trailer on December 7 at the Game Awards, which is one of the largest gaming shows of the year (The Game Awards 2023 had 1.33 million max concurrent viewers across all platforms!) as well as the first public footage of their 3 player co-op game mode that will be included with the upcoming beta build. Our very own BeoMulf will be co-streaming it as well, so make sure to tune in and enjoy the new trailer!


Finally, the big one - Frost Giant will be on hand at Dreamhack Atlanta for developer panels, closed beta key giveaways, opportunities to play the game on the show floor...and live showmatches with some of the best players from the alphas on December 17 - Championship Sunday!

For those of you that have been begging for a look at what a full game of Stormgate will look like, this is your chance!

Getting Involved

As always, if you want to engage with the Frost Giant developers and get information from them as they post it, you should sign up for their newsletter, head on over to /r/Stormgate on reddit, and sign up for the beta and wishlist the game on steam!